You are currently viewing A Special Cooking Class with Chef David Adjey, Dish Cooking Studio, Toronto

A Special Cooking Class with Chef David Adjey, Dish Cooking Studio, Toronto

Every once in awhile, you stumble on a special cooking class experience and your friend jumps into it with you. This was one of those occasions.

The ingredients lined up for us at the cooking class
The ingredients lined up for us at the cooking class

Dish Cooking Studio was well-stocked with kitchen implements and the sous chefs had already prepared the ingredients for us when we arrived.

pappadams (crispy appetizers)
chef david adjey teaching techniques to a student in class

Celebrity chef David Adjey made his way around to provide instruction and tips.

woman grilling in background while plates are being set up in foreground

We were given the opportunity to get hands-on and prepare 3 different meals at our cooking class.  I tried my hand at grilling.

sizzling steak in a pan

The beef was thick, a deep red, marbled with fat, and steamed up on the hot, hot grill pan.

As everything comes together, you order your wine and sit down for mini-meal after mini-meal. It’s all so good.

Tandoori Salmon with pappadam and vegetables

For one of the dishes, we made Tandoori Salmon with pappadam and vegetables.

Nouveaux Fajitas: tortilla fingers, rubbed chicken, tomatillo (with cilantro), white and black beans with hamhock, sweet pepper mix

Then a fancy Nouveaux Fajitas: tortilla fingers, rubbed chicken, tomatillo (with cilantro), white and black beans with hamhock, with sweet pepper mix.

Rib Steak with sweet potato, Swiss chard vegetable mix, succotash

Finally, the Rib Steak with sweet potato, Swiss chard vegetable mix, and succotash. I’ve never even liked succotash before. This was delicious, and I surprised myself by eating it all.

We had a great time, ate well and didn’t have to clean the dishes.  I like cooking classes!  They’re fun, too, if you take them with friends.

Over time we’ve been lucky enough to have other girls’ night out cooking classes, cook with Matthew Kennedy and had guest chef David Santos cook for us.

I’ll definitely return to Dish Cooking Studio as this night was memorable.

Experienced August, 2011

Dish Cooking Studio
587 College Street, Toronto, ON
+1 416-920-5559

David Adjeys Facebook Page